*✯☆ You may encounter many defeats, but you must not be defeated. In fact, it may be necessary to encounter the defeats, so you can know who you are, what you can rise from, how you can still come out of it.~Maya Angelou ☆✯*

Monday, June 27, 2011

Emotional Wreck!!!

So I've come to conclusion that i am an emotional wreck! No BS... I've always played around with the fact that I'm crazy and/or Bi-polar not really knowing that it would be true. Yeah, people tell me I'm crazy all the time but now I'm really starting to believe that something is wrong. Thanks to my sis Erika and Phy, I've been paying more attention to the things that are going on around me causing me to be so emotional. 

During the time of observation i have come to find out that my family, causes me a great deal of stress, be it my grandma, mom or brother. My mom and her drug problem has taken the biggest toll on my life and I've been trying to find ways of pulling myself away from the situation but being the person i am, it's really hard. Since I've been little I've been taking on her problems, burdens and responsibilities. Which has taken a toll on me and mentally and physically. This is one of the ongoing battles that i continue to fight, daily. My Grandmother has been in continuing care for about 7/8 years now and it hurts my heart to see that i can't do anything to help her. I visit her as much as i can and i talk to her even though i know she's having problems with her memory. She's been a vegetable (not being able to do anything for herself since her stroke) and has been on a feeding tube up until about 3/4 months ago. Praise God that she is not getting worse but my biggest fear is losing her. She is my heart and i would be hurt if she left this earth. My brother is a struggle. Now i have to say at one point i was not the greatest role model, but i try and make up for it. He's been having a hard time in school and seeing that i don't want him to end up on the streets i stay on him. But lately it's like everything i say has been going in one ear and out the other. It gets really frustrating because i try my hardest to be there for him and show him the way but he doesn't open up to anyone. It hurts my heart because i'm his sister and i'm suppose to be the one that he could talk to but he won't open up to anyone! It's heartbreaking!!!

Now those are just the biggest problems, there are a lot more things that i am going through but it doesn't compare to them. I've seen many counselors, psychologist and doctors and one thing that they can say it that i'm stressed! Not the average everyday stress but to a critical level. Yeah i know i try and stay strong but sometimes that doesn't always cut it. So with that being said I've been seeking professional help because i feel as though it's becoming a bigger problem. I've been showing a lot of signs and symptoms of disorders and i pray that it doesn't come to that but at this point i don't know. Well this is all for now, i'll keep updates on what's to come and what's to happen!!

Tootles!!! <3


  1. To Share Your Vulnerabilities...To Analyze and Assess the Situations in Your Life...Let's me Know You are Not Crazy...You are Stretching Your Sanity in too Many Directions...We all want to be SuperWomen...Save the Day...Love Everyone...Be a Counselor, Friend, Sister, Daughter...But at the end of the day...All you can Be is YOU...I go to My Father...I lay down My Worries at His Feet...And I walk away...Prayer and Worry are oxymorons....I know You...and I Know You know the Power of Prayer...You are NOT CRAZY...if you were...All the Chaos around you would make Perfect Sense...ILY

  2. Thanks sis but to be honest, it's bad... the stuff i share on fb & twitter is only half the story... I've had MANY breakdowns and if i don't get help, then i feel that it's going to get worse. Knowing how i am, i've been fighting this for sooo long and it's slowly breaking me down even more. I just don't know how much longer i can take being an emotional wreck....
