*✯☆ You may encounter many defeats, but you must not be defeated. In fact, it may be necessary to encounter the defeats, so you can know who you are, what you can rise from, how you can still come out of it.~Maya Angelou ☆✯*

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Poor excuse of a male

~Now i want to say that i do not think that ALL men are no good, this is just a show of some men who are no good!~

I am SOO tired of these no good ass males, walking around like they ass don't stink. Talking all this "good at the moment" ish, acting like their not to blame for our "Mad Black Woman" Syndrome. Now I'm not saying that all men are no good, not at all, anyone can be a male but it takes someone real to be a MAN. I recently came in contact for a poor excuse of a man. Wait he's not even worthy to be called a man but a poor excuse for a male. Yeah that's about right. I'm not going to put anyone on blast so let's just say the lady is named Wilma. Wilma met this male on this dating site. She'd claim she's been talking to him for a while now, which meant that she knew enough about him to meet him. (Whatever helps her sleep at night) So after arranging a visit things seemed cool. Time goes by and they continue talking. Well they arrange for ole dude to come down and stay for a while. Things are going okay for a minute but when you have a poor excuse of a male, who doesn't have a job,and his only income was his SS check, things get kinda boring and complicated. (BTW the fool is a "Thug"with tattoo's on his face and sells weed)  I mean who would want to sit up in someones face all day everyday?!?! That's just destined to fail, unless your old! Well they recently got into an argument and she wanted him out her house. Well he didn't have any money to get back to where he came from. Now tell me, why in the world would a grown as man come to a place, within a state without having any money to get back home? Like it doesn't make any sense at ALL!!! You go to a place not even knowing the situation in detail or the women, no job, and spend all your money... THAT IS JUST STUPID!!! You don't go to a place and not have any money to go back home, common sense fool. An example of a poor excuse for a male.

My so called uncle who lives off of people. Since i was born he has stayed with his "girlfriend" who he had 2 kids by and never married. A few years ago she came to her senses (After she lost her house) and kicked him to the curb. He never kept a job or even had one for that matter, and the money that he was getting rarely help out... Now he's almost 60 and staying with his momma!! Yes, like are you eff'n serious.... you a grown male and you staying with yo mama not even helping her out. You get paid, eat up all her food, sleep all day and don't help do nothing!!! Then when she get mad you wanna loud talk her... you just want her to die hunh? SMH... yet another example of a poor excuse of a male!!

Last but not least, my grand mother has been in continuous care for almost 8 years (i believe) and her 3 children, my mom and her 2 brothers live in the same city that she's in... YET they don't go see her like they are suppose to... my uncle being her guardian. I stay dang near 45 minutes away and i see her more than they do. Bad thing is she barely remembers them because she has Alzheimer so her memory is a little bad. SMH, Just don't make no sense, you own children don't even come to see you! My uncles have jobs and make a decent income but they don't do much for her. Yet another poor excuse for a male, or males!!! Why would you want your mother to suffer, when you know she can't do anything for herself?

These are just a few events that i list as poor excuses for males... 

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