*✯☆ You may encounter many defeats, but you must not be defeated. In fact, it may be necessary to encounter the defeats, so you can know who you are, what you can rise from, how you can still come out of it.~Maya Angelou ☆✯*

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

I am the product of a shot glass inside a crack pipe,
A mix between a father who couldn't be there if he a tried and a mother who struggled to get her life right.
I am... the result of silent screams and broken dreams that became walking nightmares.
Words that choked back breath as she begged for anyone to be there...
But her hero never came.
Somewhere in this bloodline is the offspring of a woman and she was slowly going insane...
So she wrote.
Placed a pen to the only paper she could find,
And forced time to rewind in her mind as she realigned her memories.
Thoughts and dreams she was told could never be.
Melodies of tear drops she was never meant to create
and a song that played through her pen about a child's heartbreak.
But she was 20...and old enough to understand that she couldn't bring up the past,
Wasn't allowed to shine a light on the darkness that had been cast...
She knew better.
So how dare she step to a microphone and scream words they didn't want to hear?
Giving life to the vocal chords they hoped would disappear?
Use her pen to write how roses are some shade of red,
And violets are really purple. They asked for lies but instead...
She decided to speak truth.
Because somewhere in those notebooks, the lines started to blur,
Daddy was just a sperm donor and her mother was concerned
Because her baby was asking questions and answers were never given,
Like why lives had been taken but she continued livin'...
Four potential siblings that would never know her pain,
An only child by circumstance who was given the name: Crystal.
And at one pound, two ounces she was born to carry her world,
Her alcoholic father and crackhead mother's baby girl.
She was the product of a shot glass inside a crack pipe,
Destined to take this pen and shine light so she writes...

By Kirei


  1. beautifully written.. this really touched my heart. hugs to you my sista

  2. It touched mine as well.... Felt like she was looking in my life and writing about me!
